Personalised nutrition counselling
Nutrition counselling can help individuals manage their nutritional needs and achieve a healthy lifestyle or control the disease or improve performance and quality of life. Nutrition counselling is also provided for patients as follow-up care and support for patients who visited the hospital for a procedure, or awaiting a surgery or other care. Nutrition care may also be provided to people with a need for ongoing assistance in managing nutrition and diet such as those who need to maintain or loose body weight, to sustain a healthy growth in children .
Nutrition concerns addressed online
- Weight management ( weight loosing/ weight gaining therapy
- Medical nutrition therapy for Diabetes ( dietary advices and supplements)
- Medical nutrition therapy for CKD, Liver disease (Dietary advices and supplements) and other chronic diseases
- Medical nutrition therapy for cancer patients
- Medical nutrition therapy for children ( lactation failure, weaning, complementary feeding, poor weight gain, food selectivity, dietary management in chronic diseases, childhood obesity, dyslipidaemias)
- Dietary management of PCOS, Acne
- Dietary advices for pregnant mothers, GDM
- Gastritis, dyspepsia, hypothyroidism, chronic diarrhoea (IBS,IBD)
- Sports nutrition (diet plans for athletes, sportsmen awaiting events or on routine practice)
- Patients on tube feeding (NG, PEG)
Services include
- first visit: nutrition screening assessment , diagnosis and management
- Monitoring and follow-up of nutrition status
1.Nutrition screening and assessments
Medical doctor trained in nutrition will assess and identify potential nutritional imbalances and help to overcome them by motivating to follow individually tailored nutrition.
During the screening and individual nutritional risks and complications are assessed using the following instruments
- Clinical assessment: The attending doctor will usually begins with getting to know the clients , to get the history of their symptoms and past medical history , the drugs they are using , Allergy histories , etc. Furthermore, depending on the clinical symptoms, can evaluate if you have features such as leg swelling, dry skin or noticeable thyroid goitre etc. as feasible by videos/ images.
- Diet history-Diet history is taken to identify the usual food intake pattern, dietary behaviours ( eg : skipping breakfast , snaking patterns), and whether adequate intake of food from all core food groups(cereals and yams, fruits and vegetables,oil and nuts, dairy , meat, egg and pulses) is met. Ultimately estimation of the total energy and protein intake is calculated and overall quality of the diet is assessed.During the diet assessment , questions like “who cooks the food at home “, the portion sizes , timing and amount of meals, cooking methods, whether you have access to all food groups, will be asked. A 24 hour recall or 3 day diet record will be helpful to identify the usual diet intake( explained in the morning and follow up) In addition, the change in weight, apetite, food intake , and symptoms like stomach ache, bowel habits , difficulty in swallowing, nausea or vomiting , and reflux symptoms will be asked depending on your symptoms. If you are on any nutritional supplements, medications it will also be assessed.
- Anthropometry : it’s important to measure your height and weight during each and every consultation to identify nutritional problems such as underweight ,overweight or obesity and to track progress the nutritional care.
- Functional and environmental assessment :Here , we will try to understand your ability to cook, assist with cooking or shopping. Your capacity to drinking and eating on your own or with assistance is evaluated.
- Lab investigations : depending on the initial assessment by the doctors , blood investigations may be required to identify nutritional imbalances , and the causes for the imbalances, and to check for the presence of complications such as blood cholesterol , blood sugar etc.
Nutritional diagnosis
The information gathered from rhe assessment is reviewed by the practitioner and she/he will come to a diagnosis.
Nutrition care plan
The nutritional care plan will begin with a goal. This goal is set by you mainly while the practitioner will guide you to set goals. It could be to prevent nutrition losses, optimise your nutritional status and improve performance, optimise your weight. Once the goal is identified the practitioner and you will come to a specific short term goal . Eg. Weight loss of 5 kg in 3 months After that a tailored diet plan will be provided to you by the doctor. This will be tailored according to your diet habits, preferences, accessibility to food and cooking capacity. After this a timeframe to follow up and review will be agreed upon between you and doctor.
2.Monitoring and follow-up of nutrition status
During the monitoring and follow-up the progress made by you will be reviewed using the bodyweight tracking, 3day food diary ,clinical assessment and diet history.
Three day food diary
As part of monitoring and follow-up we ask that you keep a record of everything you eat and drink for 3 days, which typically represents yours usual food intake( avoid holidays and festivals as your diet habits may be different that day). Having an accurate record of your intake and eating habits will assist the practitioner in making specific dietary recommendations for you. A sample journal will be provided at the first visit.